Category: 21 Day Challenge

Thank you

Frankly, I’ve been meaning to do this for some time.  I purchased the domain awhile back and simply haven’t taken the time to transfer the site.

Well the time is NOW!

So what does this mean to you, the reader?  Not much actually.  The site will look a bit different and I’ll be able to tweak it as time goes on, but all the content and comments have remained.  However, if you subscribed to this blog via e-mail or rss feed, you’ll need to do that again.  It’s super simply and you’ll figure it out in about 4.3 seconds on you’re on the new site.

So this will be the last post here.  Head on over to and check the place out.  If you like it, go ahead and comment or subscribe.  I always appreciate hearing from people who actually like to read this stuff!

See you on the other side!

21 Day Challenge

IT’S OVER!!!  

For those of you who have jumped in during the middle, today is the end of a journey for me.  It wasn’t a particularly long or even difficult journey, but it definitely gave cause for some introspection as well as challenging me at times.  Overall I’m glad to have participated in it for several reasons not the least of which was the opportunity to blog regularly about it and hopefully inspire others to challenge themselves in a similar (or completely different) way.

The rules were simple:

– Up at 6am every day
– Time spent with the Lord (specific amount of time was not specified)
– No sweets (no desserts, candies, pastries, etc.)
– No TV, movies or video games
– 30 minutes of vigorous exercise every day
– Share my progress via this blog daily

As far as my success rate, I did pretty good.  I did have to combine some days on the blog occasionally.  However, I ate no sweets and watched no TV (save the TV’s at the gym when I would run on the treadmill.) I played no video games nor did I watch any movies.  I missed my 6am wake up call twice (maybe three times?) and as a result, missed my time with the Lord on those days.  I failed to exercise 3 or 4 of the 21 days.

So what now?

I’ve been asking that question all day long.  Originally I thought I could maybe add something to my regimen and go another 21 days.  That’s not a bad idea and I may, in fact, do that.  However, I probably won’t be as diligent to blog about it since I’d like to be writing about other topics.

My wife also reminded me today that the 21 day time frame was originally chosen by me to train myself and eventually form habits.  This is absolutely true and I can definitely see how these disciplines would serve me well.  She’s enjoyed not having the TV on as much and likes her hubby going to the gym (who can blame her, right?)  

I think I’ll most likely combine both of these thoughts with some of my own.  You see, I don’t want to be completely rigid with myself in all areas – I need some freedom.  But I also know myself well enough to understand my incredible capability to manipulate myself into laziness.  The result is that I need challenges that provide new ideas and fresh ways to improve myself.  And at the same time I know that what I’ve accomplished shouldn’t just be forgotten tomorrow.  It’s pretty obvious that less sweets plus working out makes for a better Travis and that watching less TV as a whole makes for a better Ross family.

So now its your turn.  Some of you have read more posts than others, but the majority of you can understand what this is all about.  With that in mind, what do you think I should be taking away from my journey?  What are you taking away from it?  I’d love to read some of your comments.

And thanks for joining me on this challenge.

(Truth be told, I’m pretty excited about watching a movie with my wife Tuesday evening!)


21 Day ChallengeSo this is it.  The finish line is looming.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Its right there…so close!

Frankly I’m ready to be done.  Not so much with the disciplines I’ve been participating in – they’ve been good for me – but more with the pressure to make sure I get done with what I said I would do.  And the let down I feel when I don’t accomplish it.  My wife mentioned that she was glad I hadn’t made this a “religious” thing since I missed a few times here and there.  However, I still feel that pressure.


Maybe its not a bad thing.

Maybe its just what I need to help me succeed and press on.  Maybe the accountability I’ve created through this blog has pushed me into places I wouldn’t have gone otherwise.  Maybe its not a bad thing…

But maybe it is.

Maybe the pressure I feel is based on the fact that I want people to see me in a good light.  Maybe I want to how the world how spiritual and disciplined I am and that’s why it bugs me so much when I sleep in or miss a day at the gym.  Maybe God is revealing my heart in all of this…

Hey wait.  He’s what?

Maybe that’s a good thing after all.

21 Day ChallengeGood morning, internet.  Finally just sitting down to write my post for yesterday and I figured I’d just post a video instead.  Lots going on in my mind and it seems easier to simply share with you all that way.  Forgive my 7am shadow, too. 🙂

21DayChallengeGood morning!  If you will allow me some grace, I’d like for this post to count for yesterday.  I realized about 11:00pm as I lay in bed that I hadn’t written it yet!  So here we are…6:45am, coffee in tow, post quiet time and children sleeping (for now.)

Lately, I’m learning.

Profound, yet simply statement, I think.  There’s so much packed into those three words.  The obvious observation is that trials produce an atmosphere of growth and change so it would make sense to say these words.  However, the true learner rarely allows the mediocrity of the process to bog down his wonder at the way in which the learning comes.  I’m honestly amazed at how the Lord gently takes us by the hand and leads us through terrible (and sometimes great) situations – all for our benefit and His ultimate glory.

Let me share with you just a few things that perhaps I thought I was good enough at, but have become part of this current “God School.”

– I’m learning to listen to the Lord (although I’m not that good at it yet.)
– I’m learning to listen to my wife (same as above.)
– I’m learning to serve others (OK, this is getting old.  Just assume I haven’t figured any of these out so I don’t have to keep typing these parenthetical statements.)
– I’m learning to push past my desires.
– I’m learning to defer to others.
– I’m realizing the importance of quieting the distractions.
– I’m learning the importance of prayer.
– I’m learning how to ask for help and receive it gratefully.
– I’m learning about His great love in the midst of any and all situations.

I literally could go on and on about this.  I’m so thankful.  So how about you – what are you learning right now in your journey?


21 Day Challenge (Day 15-16)

21DayChallengeDay 15 was rough.  Lots of emotions going on with Jennette’s health and what is happening next in our journey.  Day 16 was better, but only after we got through it and settled on a plan of action.  At any rate, it’s been hard to really focus on the challenge lately.

However, I’m so glad I’m doing it.  I can’t imagine going through all of this without the solitude of the mornings and the energy the physical activity has given me.  No TV has also forced us to talk through issues and feelings that perhaps would have been buried – not on purpose, mind you, but simply because we were allowing ourselves to be distracted.

At any rate, I didn’t want another day to go by without making myself report how I’ve been doing.  So here goes:

– Didn’t work out yesterday
– Slept in today (was an accident…a genuine “forgot to turn the alarm clock on” situation)
– Have continued the no TV rule
– I was tempted to go get frozen yogurt last night, but am so glad I stayed strong
– Missed my morning time with the Lord today

So there you have it.  I’m making sure I’ve got the alarm set tonight…I can see the finish line and I want to run hard!

Two-thirds of the way through the challenge and I continue to be glad I’m doing it.  It seems anytime we embark on a difficult journey, we always seem to be thankful for it at some point.  The obvious question is “why don’t we attempt things like this more often if we know we’ll be thankful we did in the long run?”  The simple answer?

We’re spoiled.

Delayed gratification is a dirty word in these fast food drive thru days.  We just aren’t willing to wait.  We want a get rich quick, lose weight overnight, grow hair fast plan and we want it NOW!  And I’m as guilty as the next guy.

Anyway, here’s a video that I recorded a few minutes ago.  Just got back from the gym so cut me some slack.  Enjoy and I’ll see you again tomorrow.

Sundays are good days.  I really enjoyed worship this morning at Springs Calvary.  If you didn’t get a chance to see this morning’s set list, click here.  I even added some iTunes links in case you aren’t familiar with the songs.  Barry is currently teaching through the book of Acts so its always fun to hear how the Holy Spirit was moving among the people of that time and how He relates to the church today.  I’m praying that our church really embraces everything God wants to do in our midst.

On a personal note, I hadn’t worked out for two whole days before tonight.  I went to the gym and am glad I did.  Still no sweets or TV, so I’m conquering in some areas.  I honestly thought I’d succeed at not dropping the ball in any area of the challenge.  I guess I’m continuing to discover how much I need the Lord and others to motivate me and keep me accountable.  In the end, while I desire change in myself, I’m also encouraged by the fact that this 21 Day Challenge might help somebody else make the decision to push through for change in their own life.

Tomorrow is the official 2 week mark!  Keep the Ross family in your prayers as we press on through to the finish!

21 Day Challenge (Day 10-12)

6am is early for a Saturday.  Really early.  However its something that I’ve been enjoying more and more – getting that time by myself when nobody is around, quietly sipping my coffee while reading a devotional thought, the bible, or writing in my journal.  Good times.

Blogging, however, has not been as consistent the past few days!

Thursday was my son Taite’s eleventh birthday.  We got up at 4:45 and headed to Mt. Bierstadt to climb my latest 14er.  10 for me, 2 for Taite (gotta hold that lead as long as possible!)

Taite's Birthday Ascent

On our way home we stopped at the Park Meadows Mall to check out the Lego and Apple stores, respectively.  From the extremes of nature to the extremes of technology – all in a day.

Friday was up and down as I was back to work while Jennette was home with the kiddos.  At 4:00, Jennette had an appointment with a gastrointestinal doctor who confirmed my feelings about specialists.  It seems that once you’ve studied a particular area of medicine long enough to become and expert, you tend to have blinders to all other medical possibilities.  You see everything through the lens of your speciality.  Obviously this is frustrating.  But we still believe and wait on the Lord for healing.

Yesterday, Jennette sent out an e-mail to many friends and family asking them to join us in prayer.  If you’d like to see that e-mail, comment below or send me a message with your contact info – I’ll get it to you.

Once again, thanks for reading these updates.  It means a lot to know there are those who are walling with us through this trial.  Blessings!

Here’s the latest installment of the 21 Day Challenge.  I simply recorded a quick update for today.  See below for a quick snapshot of my day.